Städledare: Shiela
”The thing that I appreciate most with my work at is that I now have a big FAMILY ”
What do you do at Tidy. nu?
I am cleaning, educating new cleaners, and checking their safety.
Tell us more about how you educate and teach new cleaners, how does it work?
Every person has different techniques/styles of cleaning. At first, I need to talk to them, get to know them, let them treat me as a friend and not an instructor, and make them comfortable with me. When I feel that they are relaxed and comfortable already, then I let them clean based on what they learned about cleaning in their own home or their experience if ever they have. In that way, I will find out what cleaning tips they need first and I will start on that and so on. The most important thing is you need to encourage them to trust themselves and that they like/love the cleaning work. I do believe that if you don’t like/love the work that you do then you can’t give the best result too.
I love to work with the new cleaners because I’m not the only one who educates them, but they educate me too with their techniques. In short, we’re teaching each other.
What do you appreciate most about your work at
The thing that I appreciate most with my work at is that I now have a big FAMILY which belongs to my co-workers, office staff, the company owners, and especially my clients who are very kind, generous, and helpful to me. That’s super Best!
What do you do when you are not working at Tidy. nu?
Stay at home, cook food, bake, call my family in the Philippines, clean our apartment, relax, and spend my time with my husband.
About Shiela
- Family: I am married but have no children, I am the oldest of 5 siblings and a good daughter to my parents. My parents and siblings live in the Philippines and my husband lives here in Sweden.
- Role at am of course a cleaner, an instructor for the new cleaners, and a safety representative.
- Background: I am from the Philippines, I worked as an operator, a line leader, a trainer, and a supervisor of an electronics company in the Philippines. Our department has a lot of Moulding (injection) Machines. We make cores, coils, and transmitters.
I graduated from a 2-year course in College which is an Associate in Computer Technology. I was a scholar, maintaining high grades at school. I got training in leadership, machines, and manufacturing. I am an ISO auditor and internal auditor of our company before.
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