Städledare Meliza

“I’ll do the best I can do to clean their home”

What do you appreciate most about your work at

First of all I appreciate the company for giving me a chance to work in Tidy. Nu. They saw my potential to be part of the team. The company gives us good pay and benefits as well and we have good communication and respect towards each other within the company. They understand, care, and listen to employees which gives us motivation to go to work every day.

We know you are very appreciated among the costumers, how do you keep them so happy?

Being a cleaner, it is important to build trust and good communication skills between me and the customer. Every time I come to my workplace, I always greet them with a happy smile. I spend a few minutes talking with the client and tell them “I’ll do the best I can do to clean their home”. If I have some time left, sometimes I go the extra mile for my clients such as folding their clothes. In this way, the clients can have extra time for themselves to relax and have fun.

What would you recommend new cleaners to do to achieve good results?

To the new cleaners, it is necessary that they have dedication and motivation towards their work. They should be professional, focus on what they are doing, and love their job. Treating your customer’s home like your own home is also a good motivation as well as giving all the best they can during working hours. They shouldn’t panic and/or be stressed while working so that they can provide and deliver a good quality standard of cleaning.

What do you do when you are not working at

I spend most of my time with my family. I usually cook food and organize our home. Walking in the forest with my dog is also one of my leisure activities.

Om Meliza

  • Family: I’m from the Land of the Morning Sun, Philippines. I’m married with one lovely daughter. I belong to a family with one sibling who has a family of her own in my home country. My sister is in charge of taking care of our father while I am residing in Sweden.
  • Role at I have two roles in I work as an instructor and a housekeeper. As a trainer, I am in charge of training the new employees so that their skills will meet the standards of the company. As a housekeeper, I am responsible for making sure that all the houses are well-maintained and in order.
  • BackgroundIn the Philippines, I sell fruits and vegetables that we harvest from our farm. In Sweden, I started working as a part-time housekeeper for another cleaning company. Also, I worked as a part-time kitchen assistant in three different restaurants before I got hired by

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